Hey Everyone, It's been a long time in coming... But we finally have a new website. If you would like to see how it looks to the public, here it is: www.newportrotary.org. However it does more for us than just present us and our work to the public. Please read on to find out how you can keep up to date with club activities and projects, use the built-in member directory, and more.
To help you get familiar with the new website, I am giving you all a "homework assignment." You have five easy tasks to accomplish:
  • Login
  • Update your directory listing
  • Change your password
  • View the directory
  • View the members-only area
Here are details on how to do all of this. If you need any help, call me (225-4545) or email me.


Your login name is the email address at which you received this bulletin (with all lower case letters). If you would like me to change it to a different email address, just email me. Login by going to www.newportrotary.org, and clicking on "LOGIN" in the menu bar at the top of the page - it looks like this:

On the next page, enter your email address for "Login Name" and the password I announced at the meeting. If you need the password, call me (225-4545), Terri (847-6340) or Betsy (848-5755).

Once you login, you will be taken to the Admin page. Everything you need is in the block highlighted in yellow, titled "My ClubRunner:

Check Your Directory Listing

Please check your directory listing by clicking on "Edit My Profile" (circled above). Please make any changes necessary to bring this up to date. This will be the source for future club directory printouts. Note: You can change your email address, but your Login Name will not change. If you want me to change that, email me.

Change Your Password

Please change your password. Click on "Change My Password" right under "Edit My Profile". Please do not leave the original password.

View The Directory

You can see the current directory by clicking "View Club Directory" (circled above). There you can see everyone's name, phone number, and just click to email them. There is also a "Photo Directory" - feel free to check it out if you are ambitious.

View the Members Only Area

Now that you are logged in, you can see the section that is private for club members only. Click "Home" in the menu bar:

On the left, you will see "Members Only." If you ever come to the site and do not see this link, it means you are not logged in. Non members will not see this link. Click on this to see our private pages:

That's it! Again, call me at 225-4545 or email if you have any questions or need any help.
