Rogers High School
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Students: Please download the application form with letter using the link on the left. See end of this page for instructions.

Each year, the Newport Rotary Club awards up to four scholarships to Rogers High School students continuing on to college, totalling up to $10,000 per year. The specifiations for these scholarships are as follows:

Spiratos, Epstien and Brockway Scholarships: Up to three scholarships are awarded each year. They range in value from $1,000-$4,000. 

These are awarded to graduating seniors who are entering an accredited two year or four year program. One is intended for a student entering a program directed to qualifying for employment a specific occupation or vocation. One will be is intended for a student entering a program leading to an academic degree in the arts, sciences, or engineering. These recipients must: show financial need; demonstrate academic success; and exhibit  productive use of time outside the classroom in both school and community. Scholarship values are determined by the degree of qualification and merit of the individual recipients in each of these areas.


John Drake Scholarship: Up to $4,000, disbursed as $1,000/year for up to four years.  

This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who is entering an accredited two or four year program leading to a degree in the arts, sciences, engineering, or a specific occupation.  The recipient must:  exhibit productive use of time outside the classroom (especially in school and community service); and demonstrate academic achievement.
Students: Please download the application form to the left. You may print, fill-in by hand, and scan, or you may create a Word document with sections for each question. If creating a new document, make sure to include every question - incomplete applications may not be processed. Submit your application via email by the deadline indicated on the form. Be sure to include all required attachments indicated on the form. You may apply for both classes of scholarship with a single application - simply check off which type(s) you are applying for. Note that the Drake scholarship requires a different essay from the Epstein/Spiratos/Brockway scholarships. Email applications to
NOTE: Scholarship applications require an interview. Interview times are indicated on the application form. If you are not available during the interview time block, please email the committee AS SOON AS POSSIBLE at the above email, with your availability for alternate interview times. Please include as much availability as you can. If we can accommodate you, we will let you know. Please do not apply if you are not available for interview, and we have not granted an alternate interview time. We do not process applications without an accompanying interview.